Time for the crows to fly?? what does that mean , still wondering eh?? well, yes this is what i have learnt from my project mates,oops!!! sorry guys!!! no offense. I am sure you will agree with me.
Since , i have started with the project at a company in mysore, it has been a memorable experience considering the stories i hear about the crows flying. Well, its very obvious for most of us not knowing the meaning of this phrase. I was in the same situation like some of you who have come across this sentence for the first time. I wondered what it actually meant, oh god!!! am i making you guys impatient?,not to worry the meaning is very simple, when some one has been left with nothing to do other than just staring at the wall, reading something a zillion times to show that there is something in the store to do... etc.thats when its said that "come on!!! folks! its time for the crows to fly"
Well, this is what my project mates and i have been doing from a couple of weeks in the company. We come exactly the time we have been asked to by the project manager , and we just make the crows fly. Howzzz that!!! strange and very boring but thats the truth. Every morning i wake up hoping we don't have to make the crows fly again , but end up doing that and the dialogues i get to listen apart from looking at the crows fly is "maga!!! lets go!","en sir, nimge tale ketidiya!!" many more to mention though. Mr.A always has been the person who is very witty and an entertainer. Uff!! there has not been any day i have stopped laughing during our project work in the company.Of course mr.C you too are a part of that laughing session , why wouldn't i not mention you buddy. And of course its mr.S who is the most sweetest and quite funny sometimes but, he is always on a duty at the call center, i wonder whom he talks to!!! hmm... still wondering. Never mind mr.S , whatever you do plzz dont forget the letter S its very important dude!!!... he he...
So, let me mention about a few of our company specimens.The most important person is the PM ..Mr.su ,he has guided us for a while and then handed us over to his subordinates Miss.Y and Mr.reddy gaaru.Initially mr.su used to remember less, as we had to remind him a zillion times to mail us so many documents. But, after a few days of session with him, i too started to inherit his habit of forgetting and mr.A got a chance to rename me as FG A.K.A female ghajini, i quite agree with him sometimes though.Miss.Y is a gregarious person and yeah always smiling and Mr.RG(reddy gaaru) is always nodding his head even if its a NO, Sometimes i wonder what he is saying,hmmm ... i am confused , well all my project mates would agree with me.And all the time if we ask him to assist us, he says he would meet us after 6.30 hmm... whats with 6.30 dude!!! i don't get it!!.There is one sweet girl ,"kavi" she is a sweet factory,always giving us chocolates, she never wants us to starve so she always offers us with something to eat and of course smiles most of the time.And ya!! there is one more cartoon, Mr.hmmm.... i don't know his name, He always asks mr.S "enu project aayta", i mean is he insane??!!! how the hell he expects us to finish the project so soon with us still not knowing the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ of it. Oh yes, how can i ever forget the "milk woman" . Sounds strange, but she deserves to be called as "milk woman". Most of the time she is found in the canteen with her colleagues and is always there drinking coffee and other milk products, no wonder there is shortage of milk in the company canteen.
So, until now this is how we have been having our project session in the company, very boring but, a houseful of laughter. If you think laughter is the best medicine, plzz do join us.
Hey good one le !! Funny !! :-)
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