Walking in the job street of unemployment, the most cliched sentence listened to by a person is EN MAGA!!!! KELSA SIGTHA ,which means DUDE!!! GOT A JOB HUH!!??
Most of us are fed up of this sentence aren't we?? Infact people are so scared of this one particular sentence that it seems creepy than the most horror movies or the haunted houses.
Most of you wouldn't agree with me as you guys are so fortunate or lucky dogs that you would never have faced the state of being unemployed. Hmmmmm.... yeah i know dude u bunch of fortunate asses out there are already chilling out and showing off that you guys are employed huh!!! yeah we will also be there in your shoes one day and may be you guys would be in our old slippers thinking and hoping the way we are doing right now.
So the one who is still looking for that one turning point in his or her life relating to being a workaholic has got to face so many loopholes, tunnels and doors of failures that its very difficult to even count them.
Some of us are so lucky that we get through such phases of life just at a blink,but most of us are still moving on a steep road pulling the wagon containing heavy duty materials just like a donkey.
The phase during which one begins to look for his or her job which is equivalent to a box of treasure would be during his or her graduation or may be after the time he or she has passed out of college.When during graduation time , most of the us would be so excited about jobs that we would start off with the preparation even before anyone would ask us to start with it. Yeah these guys would be called as geeks or smart asses or may be not depends on how lucky they are in the case of getting a job.
But few of us still in the queue don't know which road to take are still looking for that one opportunity.
When most of them who are into a job would be happy and partying out there, few of them would be looking at these lucky dogs and wondering MERA NUMBER KAB AAYEGA!!!
Most people tell us that this is all about getting lucky but the others have a different perspective .They say you got to be smart and so well versed in academics also.
Sure you got to have that too, but being a nerd or a geek isn't all enough DUDE!! everyone who is looking for a job needs to be smart as well as confident to achieve success in a run to be a workaholic.
Oh AHSTE NA!! MAGA IDU SAKAT EASY ALVA!!! hey hey stop even saying these words when you start your routine of searching for a job, it's not as easy as you say it!!
Infact more than us our parents would be searching for a job even though they are employed and have lived their life successfully.
Most of our parents are even more tensed and excited than most of us are.
When we are chilling out at home ,browsing on orkut,facebook or chatting on messenger not even a stain or a nerve of being tensed shown on our faces , our mommies or daddies would be searching the news papers for a job just for the one satisfaction that they will find some vacancy for us to try our luck and of course to get lucky.
There are times when our parents come to us when we the unemployed dudes!!! are chilling out with friends and yell at us asking us to get serious and think about our so called "FUTURE". Of course we are serious about it aren't we?? but what is the point sweating, increasing our blood pressure by being tensed like the way they are. Everything is gonna be just the way we want it to be one fine day!!! This is called HOPE!!!
So people who are not yet in the community of employment , don't worry buddies just live the life as it comes to you as the life comes along with you wherever you go and hey!!!don't think about the next venture just move on with life as an adventure.Commands life as you want. then life is all yours!!!
Because you never know when life clicks!!!!
Ufff !! i seriously love the way u write !!! n abt the content, no comments !! completely agree with u.. but as u said, there's no point in increasin blood pressure !! tat "ONE FINE DAY" will definitely come. just gotta have a little patience !! so keep up the hope !!
You are unemployed the very day your confidence and hope in you dies..as long as that is alive, you are not jobless!
I don't see a huge contrast between the time I wrote a post like this and now - commenting on yours...
Your words gotta inspire those who have lost their confidence and hope. I am sure yours are still solid steel-like? :)
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